Meet the Bar Manager: The Heart and Soul Behind Old Compton Brasserie’s Cocktails

At Old Compton Brasserie, our cocktails are more than just drinks—they’re experiences crafted by our talented bar manager, Jeremy Graindorge. Read on to learn more about his fascinating journey and the inspirations behind his creative concoctions.

Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got into bartending?

I’ve had quite a diverse background, from working at a small family-owned hotel in the Belgian countryside to a bar in a 5-star hotel in Brussels. I’ve also worked in brasseries and restaurant bars across Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, and England. So, I’d say I have a pretty varied career!

What inspired you to pursue a career in mixology?

When I was 16, I entered a hospitality and catering school with the intention of becoming a chef. However, I soon began taking classes about the bar, spirits, and their origins, and I fell in love with bartending. The process of creating something beautiful from different spirits, liqueurs, and wines, and seeing the joy on a guest’s face when they enjoy a cocktail I’ve made, is incredibly fulfilling.

Do you have any mentors or figures in the industry who have influenced your career?

That’s a tough question! When I was a young bartender, I joined the Union of Belgium Bartenders (UBB), the Belgian branch of the International Bartenders Association (IBA). There, I met many bartenders and we constantly challenged each other to create better cocktails, share ideas, and compete in cocktail creation contests, all under the guidance of Mr. Serge Guillou, the UBB president.

I also admire Simone Caporale and Alex Kratena. The first time I heard about them was in 2012 when they were head bartenders at the Artesian Bar, which won the Best Bar in the World award for the first of four consecutive years. Their innovative approach to drinks opened my eyes to the limitless creativity possible in mixology.

How long have you been with Old Compton Brasserie, and what brought you here?

I’ve been with OCB for six years, right from the very beginning. I started as a bartender and became the bar manager within six months.

Where do you find inspiration for your cocktail creations?

Honestly, inspiration can come from anywhere! It might be a unique glass I come across, a new spirit I discover, or even an idea that pops into my head while watching a show. It’s all about the mood of the moment.

Can you walk us through your process for developing a new cocktail?

It’s a bit complex to explain simply, but let me give you an example. When I created the cocktail "London’s Calling," my inspiration came from a classic red phone booth glass. I wanted to use a quintessentially British spirit, so I chose whisky over gin to match the vibe of The Clash’s song "London Calling." I added matcha syrup as a nod to the British love of tea and incorporated other ingredients that complemented these flavours. The final touch was using dry ice to create smoke, representing London fog.

This is just one example, but generally, I start with a flavour I want in the final cocktail and build from there to create a balanced drink.

Do you have a personal favorite cocktail on our menu?

I would say the Spicy Cucumber Margarita or the Oaxacan Sunrise!

We hope this behind-the-scenes look into the artistry of our bar manager, Jeremy, gives you a new appreciation for the thought and passion that goes into each drink on our menu. Next time you’re at Old Compton Brasserie, be sure to try one of his expertly crafted cocktails and experience the creativity firsthand.


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